“Bea’s delicate but fiery, sensual, & humble tone is definitely a key factor to the way she has inspired me in my practice of self-healing. The way she honors her body, her traumas, her temple, herself, her family, her friends, her “clients”, not only gives an example to many of us, but portrays the way she lives in honor to her values and teachings. I remember in one of her workshops (about the “Sacral Chakra”), I literally FELT the Kundalini Snake WHIP at me while she spoke about Its interrelation with our energies and how we have to ignite to heal from within. This is only the beginning of Bea’s power. I feel an extreme connection to her story, and am beyond excited to keep learning from her.”


“The moon circles Bea holds space for have been a crucial part of my spiritual journey and growth. I started going to her circles when I began to discover my spirituality and it helped me immensely to connect deeply with myself and my emotions. Also, witnessing the vulnerability and "rawness" of other women and other dynamics that happen during the circles have been very powerful and have aided me to discover different aspects of myself that I love. I really recommend giving it a try if you feel the calling. You will feel different and empowered…”


"I started attending Bea's women's circles early last year after a breakup that hit me hard, without knowing I was finding my path. I was a little anxious at first about going because I was nervous about sharing my story with women whom I didn't know, but it was a whole different story. The sense of acceptance and sisterhood that fills up the room during every circle is beautiful. I have since been to many circles and the "transformate" retreat. It is because of these circles and shadow work that I came to learn and understand traumas I didn't know I had. These traumas subconsciously impacted me and the way I lived and acted, many times out of lack of self-love, hurting myself and those around me.

My healing has focused mainly on forgiving myself for my actions and letting go of the past, but it's not always rainbows and butterflies as everyone puts it. One of the most important things I have learned from Bea and her heartwarming soul is that healing is not linear, and it takes time. It has helped me in times where I felt frustrated like I was back to square one and thought all my work was for nothing, but she's taught me to be kind to myself and to know that everything is happening as it should; that the dark times are sacred, and they are here to teach us the hard lessons in order to guide us to the light. This year I have started a YTT and I'm very committed to my healing and doing the work in order to vibrate in my best version, and I thank Bea for being my teacher through this sacred journey, everything with love, kindness, and acceptance”


“I met Bea through her prenatal yoga class (which I love and miss). When I took my first yoga class it didn't take more than 5 min in a room with her to feel her goodness and positive energy. I knew she was a doula but at the begging of my pregnancy, I thought to myself why do I need a doula I know how to breathe and I have my husband he can help, why do I need a doula? Well, 10 min into my first birthing class I was texting Bea for her help. From that first text, Bea was there whenever I needed her and still is to this day. We were all set with my natural as possible birthing plan but my baby girl had her own ideas. My water broke and I was only 1cm dilated and ended up in a c section after about 21 hours of labor but Bea was with me the whole day and it was a long day. Her voice, her hands, and her spirit just made my birthing experience. She helped me through countless hours of contractions, helped me deal with my emotions and disappointment in needing an epidural and a c-section, she gave my husband a much-needed break and sat and just listened to me talk for hours after I got my epidural. A doula is more than just someone else in the room she is your partner your friend your therapist your whatever you need at that moment and Bea was that to me and so much more. So if you were to ask me do you really need a doula my answer would be YES and its Beatriz“


“Bea’s moon circles have witnessed me at my rawest, most broken open self. From the beginning of my profound healing journey, Bea’s space has seen me transition from a person who reacts from their wound to a human who has known her darkness and uses it as a pedestal for her light. The magic that Bea’s space holding and each of the self healers form and transmute in collective is indescribably amazing and unique and evolved with each coming together in time and healing. I am eternally grateful for the impact of these encounters on my healing journey. May more and more people who identify as women (and hopefully all humans who decide to work on their feminine energies) have the opportunity to benefit and presence the cosmic incredibility.”


“I went to my first women’s circle 2 years ago with a deep desire of connecting with other women who where in their healing process. It has been beautiful to listen their stories and see myself reflected on them. The circles have been fundamental to connect with my emotions and know myself better. I greatly appreciate having Beatriz as a teacher and friend in my life.”